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Autumn Term 2020

Welcome back!


September – October edition.


Well, it has been simply wonderful to have all of our amazing children back at school. The children have really shown how resilient they are and jumped back into school life. It is so lovely to hear the usual buzz of chatter going on around school and to see all of their happy smiling faces, engaging in their learning and socialising with their peers.


We would like to take this opportunity, to say thank you to you all, for supporting your children with all of the online learning that was set during such unprecedented times.


Our main focus this half term has been the children’s wellbeing and settling the children back into school life.


As a school we read the book ‘While We Can’t Hug by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar. Each class created beautiful work around friendship which is now displayed in the dining hall.


It has been lovely to see the children creatively working together in class, exploring emotions, mindfulness and wellbeing throughout this half term.


In this picture below Year 3 are learning how to meditate.


You won’t believe how busy we have all been since we came back to school....


Foundation Stage 1 – Nursery

Nursery have been busy exploring their emotions using the story ‘The Colour Monster’. They have been finding out about the importance of their name and are beginning to recognise their name in print. They are now moving on to explore their environment as we find out about seasonal changes in autumn.


Foundation Stage 2

The children have been busy getting to know each other and how to keep everyone safe and happy. They have looked at how they have all changed since they were babies. Again, using the story ‘The Colour Monster’ the children have been identifying emotions and how our emotions can change throughout the day. The class have been learning the days of the week, the date and the changes in weather. FS2 are now ready to begin exploring the seasonal changes.


Year 1

The children have all settled into Year 1 well and have enjoyed reading and writing the story of Little Red Riding Hood in literacy. In maths pupils are doing an amazing job learning about addition and are picking up new concepts really well. In science pupils have been studying plants and they have recently learned the difference between Evergreen and Deciduous trees. Year 1's biggest news has been our bean plants have all grown and will be very soon. I wonder whose plant will be the tallest!


Year 2

It has been none stop in Year 2. The children have been so lucky to have HEPP DT workshop into school and create moving vehicles. The children have enjoyed exploring their feelings during RHE lessons and it has been lovely to listen to their ideas. In RE they have looked at new beginnings and how the world and everything in it was created. The class have really enjoyed looking at historical people like Rosa Parks and Emmeline Pankhurst, who have made a real difference


Year 3

What a busy start to the new academic year. The children have started a new topic ‘Ancient Greece’ and they have enjoyed creating their own Greek pottery by sketching and painting. In PE the children have been working on their ball skills with Mr. Horton and learning how to play Netball. In literacy the children have been writing instructions and newspaper articles based on the Iron Man. During ICT lessons the children have been learning something very important indeed, how to be safe online.


Year 4

Year 4 have all enjoyed being back together again and they have been very busy indeed. The children have been learning about ‘Ancient Rome’. They have explored the Roman army, different types of rule in Ancient Rome, and different emperors (some good and others not so much!). During Literacy, they have written a variety of genres such as informal letters and persuasive writing. We have looked at how to use prepositional phrases, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses. In Science, we have been studying the topic, Electricity where the children have learnt about different parts of a circuit and also the difference between mains and battery powered.


Year 5

Year five have been working very hard this half term. In Maths, they have completed place value and addition and subtraction topics and have started our multiplication and division topic. They have used manipulatives to study the formal written methods and are developing a clear understanding of the four operations. In Literacy, the children have used the book, 'The Adventures of Odysseus' to write some excellent letters and diary entries. We have also just started to look at setting descriptions in preparation for writing our first story of the year.  The children have loved writing in role as some of their favourite characters and their work has been very exciting and full of wonderful description!


We have learnt so much whilst studying our topic, 'Pharaohs'; the children have loved writing about Howard Carter's discovery of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb and the precious artefacts that were found inside. We have produced some beautiful maps, timelines and pieces of art and we can't wait to continue this topic next half term. 


Year 6

Class 6 started the year with Bikeability with most children completing this successfully. The class have started to read the novel – ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ - they are enjoying this so much and the children are really empathising with the characters. It is their favourite time of the day! In Maths, the children have covered most of our calculation unit including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including long methods. The whole class are working on applying this to reasoning questions. In RE the children have been learning about the calling of a Priest and have had some of their questions answered by Father Damian about his faith. In Art, Year 6 have been using the Inuit tribe as inspiration to create a piece of art. They have analysed the Enchanted Owl painting and will use this in their own work. Wow they have been busy!


