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We strive to develop confidence in mathematics and foster an environment in which children are encouraged to be curious, explore and investigate during mathematics lessons. Our children should be constantly developing as fluent mathematicians who love learning and applying their knowledge to challenging problems. We hope to develop resilient learners who can solve some problems with unconscious competence.


Staff follow a carefully designed, logical and systematic sequence to teaching mathematics. Time is spent exploring age appropriate tasks and all children are supported and taught how to explain their reasoning and apply this to solving problems.

We firmly believe that regular and intelligent practise of basic skills is essential for improving fluency and knowledge. With this improved knowledge, our children can deepen their understanding of mathematics and challenge themselves by attempting age appropriate problems with a resilient attitude. By practising arithmetic daily, our children move towards being able to solve problems with unconscious competence, rapidly recalling number facts and gaining enjoyment through increased self-confidence.  


Learners  are regularly provided with concrete and pictorial resources to extend and support their learning. Carefully designed pictorials and access to a wide variety of manipulatives, can help our children to master age related materials. We know that these resources are integral to ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity to succeed, learn and enjoy mathematics.


Where children have achieved mastery of a concept we aim to deepen that understanding through non-routine problems and situations that require children to generalise and note patterns and connections.


Teachers are provided with long term and medium term plans but adapt these to meet the needs of their pupils following assessments and gap analysis. We also use the Ready to Progress Criteria published by the DfE to help identify the key knowledge that needs to be understood before children move to the next academic year. 

