Foundation 2
Summer 2020
Spring 2 2020
We explored food by cooking and tasting it, seeing where food grew in a local allotment and then by planting our own.
During Lent we tried to grow more like Jesus.
Spring 1 2020
Our recent focus has been about 'Sun, Moon and Stars'. The children have thought about what they do in the day time and night time and have been introduced to simple time. They have used the story of 'Owl Babies' to explore which animals are nocturnal . We are currently thinking about our bedtime routines. The story 'Can't You Sleep Little Bear ' is helping us think about how we feel about the dark and about different light sources. Next, we will be investigating the sky at night and finding out more about the moon, stars and planets using the story 'Whatever Next'.
Autumn 2 2019
We have been exploring stories this half term. The children have been very excited about our ' helicopter' stories where we act out a story an adult has scribed for a child. We discovered a crime scene one day when Goldilocks had sneaked into The Three Bear's house and caused havoc. The Little Gingerbread man has also been a favourite and we even made some to sell at our Christmas fair. The children also brought in their favourite stories that we shared.
Autumn 1 2019
We have all settled well into F2 and are very familiar with our routines. We began by talking about how we can change our faces to show how we feel and by finding out about what we do at different times of our school day. We have discovered how we have grown and changed since we were a baby. We have explored colour mixing, even in puddles on a rainy day! The children have learnt about how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. We loved visiting some woodland and found many autumn treasures.