Year 4
Summer Term - 2020
Spring Term 2 - 2020
What a fantastic Spring 2 Class 4 have had! We continued with our Misty Mountains and Winding Rivers topic and learnt all about the formation of different mountains and what they are called.
In science, we started our new topic called ‘Animals including Humans’ and the children have absolutely loved it. We have created our own digestive system in this topic and learnt all about the human body.
Year 4 were fortunate enough to attend an Enterprise Day in school, where they had the opportunity to showcase their brilliance and worked together as a team so well.
In maths, Year 4 have started to show an excellent understanding of decimals and have been able to divide them by 10 or 100.
We have had so much fun in literacy this half term too, where we have written our own play scripts and explanation texts on how to train your parents. We were also lucky enough to receive a letter back from S.F. Said, who wrote our class book Varjak Paw!
Spring Term 1 - 2020
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed making a start on our topic, ‘Misty Mountains and Windy Rivers.’ We have understood many key words linked to rivers, as well as learning about the journey of a river.
Next half term, we will continue with ‘Misty Mountains and Windy Rivers’, where we will be investigating the formation of mountains and the different types that there are. In addition to this, we will be going to Eureka which will tie in with our upcoming science topic, ‘Animals Including Humans.’
Autumn 2 - 2019
Year 4 have had a fantastic half term studying the topic ‘Traders and Raiders!’ In this topic, we have learnt about the struggle for power in England between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. We have created our own Viking shields and written a non-chronological report about some famous battles in that time period.
Autumn 1 - 2019
During this half term, we have covered some exciting writing genres such as diary entries and also our own narrative. These have both been based on what we have read so far in our thrilling book, ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.’
In mathematics, we have been learning all about place value of numbers and this has helped us to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.
In our science lessons, we have been learning about electricity. We have created our own circuits and have named the different parts of one.
Our creative curriculum has been based on an American Road trip, where we have learnt all about the states of America and looked at a Native American tribe called the Iroquois in great detail. Within this topic, we have listened to a Native American music and also designed our own totem poles.