Foundation 2
Welcome to the FS2 class page. Our class teacher is Mrs Dignan. Mrs Dalton covers the class on a Tuesday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistant's are Mrs Whittam and Mrs Puton.
It has been wonderful to welcome all of our new children into FS2. I have been so impressed with how they have settled, especially as some of the children had never met me or visited our school before. We have been getting to know each other and our new routines and the children are becoming really good at "Choose it, use it, put it away." We have made some simple class rules together to keep everybody safe and happy.
We have already explored how our feelings can change and have loved using the story "The colour monster" to do this. We know the weather and days of the week change and will soon talk about how we have changed since we were babies. We will end this half term by exploring Autumn. I look forward to all the fun we will have learning and exploring together.
Summer Term 2 - 2021
The children in F2 have continued their interest in water this half term. They have also enjoyed exploring spatial awareness and writing numbers.
We have been playing team games and learning basic football skills. They have been honing their skills ready for Year 1
Summer Term 1 - 2021
In F2 this term we are thinking about water. The children had lots of questions and we have started discovering the answers together. Cleaning and washing has been a big interest. A visit from our cleaner inspired many children to want to help.
One day we discovered all our wheeled toys were covered in mud so the children decided we needed to clean them. This led to a car wash role play with lots of mathematical and literacy opportunities. We really enjoyed pyjamarama day where we enjoyed so many stories in different places.
We have also found out about the celebration of Hanukkah. The children responded by making menorahs using different mediums. Their creations were wonderful.
Spring Term - 2021
F2 have had an exciting Spring term around the focus ‘Sun, Moon and Stars’. We explored what we did in the day and night, nocturnal animals, light and dark and bedtime. We used the story ‘Whatever Next’ to imagine what it would be like to go to the moon. During science week the children even made rocket balloons. We have explored the properties of 3d shapes outside. During Lent the children have explored growing and looked for signs of Spring. They have tried to grow to be more like Jesus and have added leaves to our God love plant by doing so.
Autumn Term 2 - 2020
We have had so much fun and learnt so many things this half term. During our bear hunt we labelled places and learnt about positional words. We found out about how Hindus celebrate Diwali and about how babies are welcomed into God's family through baptism. We have tried to use kind hands, feet and words.
Autumn Term 1 - 2020
In FS2 we had an amazing time exploring changes in emotions, colour, food and the season. We also found out about how we celebrate baptisms and harvest time.