Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Our class teacher is Miss Pearce. Mrs Woolley covers the class on a Thursday morning. Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Milburn.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.
Your child should have a reading for pleasure book and also a book that matches with their reading age. These will be changed in school when your child demonstrates a good understanding of the book.
Children have their Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars passwords stuck in their Personal Organisers and children are encouraged to access these to support them with their learning.
Reading books will be changed as and when required. Please make sure you read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Summer Term
Year 5 have had a fantastic Summer Term! We have enjoyed Sports Day, Hepp DT day, Coronation Day and much more!
In Maths, Year 5 have recognised the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, plotted coordinates on a grid, compared fractions and converted fractions into equivalent decimals and percentages. We have ended the year learning about converting units of time and used the clocks to recap our knowledge of telling time!
In Literacy, Year 5 were introduced to some exciting texts! The first text was The Lost Thing, all about belonging in a society and the second focussed on Curiosity the Mars Rover. Our final book was called Origami Yoda and we even got to create our own Yoda during our hook lesson! Year 5 have created some beautiful writing including diary entries, non-chronological reports and narratives.
During our Topic lessons, we have learnt all about Ancient Greece and its impact on the rest of the world. We discussed the social hierarchy, the different types of architecture and the Olympic Games. Year 5 used different sources of information and were able to answer a wide range of enquiry questions throughout the topic.
In PE, Year 5 have enjoyed netball and have showcased a range of skills and teamwork. They have really impressed Mr Horton with their sportsmanship this term!
What a fantastic end to the year! Year 5 have worked incredibly hard, cared for each other and made great progress. We have shared our passion for animals and have found a range of insects around the playground including a beautiful dragonfly! It has been wonderful to watch the Year 5s grow into mature and hard-working children. Well done and good luck in Year 6!
Spring Term
Year 5 had a wonderful start to the Spring Term! We started our new Geography topic ‘Sow, Grow and Farm.’ Within this topic, we have been learning all about the different types of farming in the UK and also about coffee farming in Peru.
In Literacy, we have studied a new book called ‘Beowulf.’ Year 5 have really enjoyed creating a range of text types about the main characters and themes. Year 5 have been using lots of the statutory Year 5/6 spelling words and producing detailed and descriptive work.
In Maths, we have been focusing on data and statistics and were able to successfully interpret a range of graphs. We have continued to practise our arithmetic everyday with daily challenges!
In RE, Year 5 we have been learning all about Lent. The children created their own Lenten calendars and learnt about what a special time of year it is.
In Science, we have been learning about the different life cycles of both animals and plants. We had fun dissecting flowers and finding out about the different parts of the plant. We also celebrated British Science week and had lots of fun conducting a range of investigations! Keep up the fantastic work, Year 5!
Autumn Term
Year 5 had a fantastic start to the year! We started our new History topic ‘Down the Pit’ and have learnt all about the Miners’ Strike, the Industrial Revolution and even created our own mining museum to showcase our learning!
In Literacy, we studied some fantastic books including Hidden Figures, Percy Jackson and The Man Who Walked Between the Towers. Year 5 created some wonderful writing and have worked really hard to include some tricky grammatical features, exciting vocabulary and of course, some beautiful handwriting!
In Maths, we have excelled with multiplication and division, fractions and addition and subtraction! We have used counters, blocks and fraction walls to help us with our studies.
In RE, we studied advent and created some beautiful advent wreaths. We did lots of fantastic research on hope and used the Bibles to find linked scripture.
In Science, we studied Earth and Space and created some beautiful information posters on our chosen planet. We also learnt all about forces and completed some very exciting (and messy!) experiments.
Amongst all of that fantastic learning, we enjoyed our World Cup afternoon, World Mental Health Day celebrations and a fantastically energetic fitness day at Oakwell!
Keep up the excellent work, year 5! I am so proud of your progress!