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Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) information page.


Holy Rood Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school which strives to support all children so that they are all able to achieve their full potential. We endeavour to ensure that the provision for all pupils is of the highest possible standard. We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between children with SEND and their non-SEND peers and also those who are vulnerable at any stage of their educational life.


In order to do this, many steps are taken to support them on their journey through school. Quality first teaching is vital; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed for them to achieve their targets, this is certainly true for children with SEND.


We understand that every child is different and therefore the educational needs of every child are different. For this reason, what we offer children with special educations needs and/or disabilities is tailored to meet the individual needs for the child. The provision for each child is designed by staff working alongside the child, the child’s family and where necessary other outside agencies (e.g. speech and language therapist, physiotherapist, educational psychologist).


We want children to do their best, achieve, and be confident in their lives so they are prepared to move to their next stage in education.


The school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Artley who can be contacted on 01226 281219 or by email  Our SEND Governor is Mrs Walley who can be contacted via the School.


The school works with due regard to the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and the Equality Act (2010).


The link below will take you to Barnsley’s Local Offer where you can find more information.

