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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Our class teacher is Mrs Heald and Mrs Woolley (Friday). Mrs Bywater covers the class on a Thursday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Bell and Mrs Kiryluk.


Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday.  The spelling test will take place on the following Friday.


Reading books will be changed as and when required. Books will then be set aside for 72 hours before returning to the shelves for others to choose. 


Please make sure you read daily at home!

If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.


PE sessions will be on Thursdays and Fridays 

Summer Term 2 - 2021


Wow! What a year it has been in year six! We have fully enjoyed our WW2 topic this half term and have learnt so much about what life was like at that time, how the war ended and how different political leaders around the world felt about the war. 


We also put together and end of year production, working hard to perfect our acting and singing our hearts out! 


We ended our time in year six with a fantastic trip full of adventurous activities including canoeing, climbing, zip lining and a leap of faith! 

Summer Term 1 - 2021


Class 6 have been very busy this half term! We are still enjoying our WW2 topic and have written some excellent newspapers, narratives and non-chronological reports in Literacy. We have also researched the different types of air raid shelters used during WW2 and designed and made our own in DT. We also had the brilliant experience of having Hepp DT in to work with us to make WW2 Spitfire planes which we thought was a brilliant day.


We have been working on Tennis in PE with Mr Horton and now know all of the rules and can play in matches against each other. In Science, we have covered Light and have produced some excellent work on the eye! 

Spring Term - 2021


Year six have had a busy half term. We have seen some excellent home learning and also some fantastic work when the children returned to school. We celebrated world book day a little bit differently this year but we enjoyed taking part in a live draw along session with the creator of Tom Gates! We have also started our WW2 topic and have found out about the countries involved and how the war began. We enjoyed creating our own flying machines in our literacy hook lesson and finally saw how our short film Soar ended on the last day of term. We are looking forward to the summer term! 


Autumn Term 2 - 2020


Class 6 have had a busy half term and the children have been working very hard! We have taken part in odd socks day for anti-bullying week, live lessons with Chester zoo, interviews with authors and been a part of the Youth Climate Summit. We have enjoyed out new topic Darwin’s Delights and have focussed on geography, learning about human and physical features and the Galápagos Islands. 


The highlight of this half term has been finishing our much loved class novel The Boy at the Back of the Class. 

Autumn Term 1 - 2020


Class 6 have had a busy half term including creating emotion wheels as part of our Mental Health Week, using the text Shackleton’s Journey to create outstanding writing and playing hockey in PE. Our class novel this half term ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ has gripped us and we have shown great empathy with the characters. We even tried pomegranate to see if it matched the description and taste in the book. 

Class 6 have settled in well to their final year of primary school and are already working exceptionally hard! We have enjoyed reading our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class and are excited to find out what will happen next. 


In Literacy, we have already written some excellent diary entries as a crew member on the expedition ship ‘The Endurance’ with explorer Ernest Shackleton. We are working on recapping knowledge from year 5 in Maths and have learnt how to work with negative and decimal numbers. We will be moving to calculation where we will cover the long methods of calculation plus fractions, decimals and percentages. Our new topic ‘Frozen Kingdoms’ has sparked our curiosity and we looking forward to investigating more about it after learning about Indigenous People of the Arctic and the different climate zones of the Earth. 


Some children have also completed the Bikeability certification which is an excellent achievement. 
