Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Miss Pearce is the class teacher with Miss Johnson supporting each morning. Mrs Bywater covers the class on a Tuesday afternoon.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday for marking. Spellings will also be given out on a Friday to practise for the following week, they will be stuck in planners but can be practised in homework books. Spellings are also practised daily in Literacy lessons. Homework activities will vary but may include: SPaG practice, Mathematics practice, activities linked to our History or Geography topic and writing activities.
PE days are Tuesday and Friday and will be outdoors (weather permitting) so please ensure that appropriate PE kit is in school. It is suggested that it is brought on Monday and taken home on Friday to allow for any last minute changes.
Each child has the opportunity to visit our classroom library as well as the main school library. They will take ownership of choosing their own reading for pleasure book and are encouraged to keep track of their books in the Library Folder. Pupils may also choose one of the Year 5 50 recommended reads and are encouraged to see how many of the texts they can read during their time in Year 5. Miss Pearce is also challenging herself to read as many as she can!
Please make sure you try to read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your Personal Organiser, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle!
Our Reading Scrapbook will also be sent home each week to further share our love of reading in class. Each child will have the opportunity to take it home and be as creative as they can to share their favourite book with the class!
Autumn 1
Year 5 have been working incredibly hard since the start of the academic year! We have enjoyed some brilliant sports trips out of school, discovered new and exciting topics in History and Science and continued to develop our skills in Maths, Reading and Writing.
In Literacy lessons, Year 5 have been completing their PVPG unit which takes an in depth look at the fundamentals of writing. They have then applied this learning to a Non-Chronological Report which informed their reader about a brand new island which they discovered!
In Maths, we have been exploring tenths and hundredths and representing these in a range of different ways. We have made good use of the manipulatives in the classroom to help us with our learning.
In History, Year 5 have been learning about the Ancient Maya Civilisation. We have been exploring how they were so successful and comparing their leaders, city states and hierarchy with that of the Anglo-Saxons.
In Science, we have been learning about Earth and Space. Year 5 created a wonderful scientific enquiry about the Earth and Moon being approximately spherical bodies.
Finally, in PE, we have been developing our netball skills and have recently been learning how to be a good defender in a team! Year 5 also enjoyed a skipping festival, cross country race and orienteering!
Well done for a fantastic start to the year! Keep up the excellent work.