Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 class page. Mrs Sorsby is the class teacher with Mrs McInerney and Mrs Jones supporting each day. Mrs Bywater covers the class on a Wednesday afternoon.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday for marking. Spellings will also be given out on a Friday to practise for the following week, they will be stuck in planners but can be practised in homework books.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday and will be outdoors weather permitting so please ensure that appropriate PE kit is in school. It is suggested that it is brought on Monday and taken home on Friday to allow for any last-minute changes.
Each child will have a reading for pleasure book and also a book that matches with their phonics level. Reading books will be changed in class on Fridays.
Please make sure you try to read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your Personal Organiser, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle!
We will also be continuing our 50 Recommended Reads for Year 1 this year and children are encouraged to see how many of the texts they can read during their time in Year 1.
Our Reading Scrapbook will also be sent home each week to further share our love of reading in class.
Autumn 2
Year 1 have had an amazing Autumn term. In science we identified different materials and decided what would be the best to make an umbrella with. Our geography topic was all about our local park and its facilities. We visited the park to try these facilities to see if there was anything we could improve for our community.
We have absolutely loved computing, from logging on correctly to eventually creating our very own artwork in the style of Mondrian.
Finally, we really enjoyed visiting the reading shed and cannot wait to go again.
Autumn 1
Year 1 have had a great start to the year. We have been using various manipulatives in maths and been very creative in our art lessons. We have enjoyed listening to fantastic stories in literacy and retelling these stories using different voices.