Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Our class teacher is Miss Pearce. Mrs Bywater covers the class on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Bell and Mrs Kiryluk.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed as and when required. Please make sure you read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
Summer Term 2022
Year 5 have had a fantastic Summer Term! We started our new topic Dynamic Dynasties and we have been learning all about Ancient China and the history of the Shang Dynasty. We have explored different sources, artefacts and texts to find out more information about life in the Shang Dynasty.
In Literacy, we explored our new book If You Find This which tells the story of Grandpa Rose and his quest to find hidden treasure! Using the book to help us, Year 5 created some wonderful diary entries, persuasive speeches and narratives with lots of amazing literary features! We have been working really hard on using fantastic, interesting vocabulary, some exciting SPaG features and punctuation.
In Maths, we have learnt about shape, position and direction and measurements! We have used lots of resources to help with our maths work and we have been solving some really tricky problems! We have also been working hard during our daily arithmetic practice and we have really enjoyed challenging ourselves with some tricky ‘countdown’ problems!
In RE, we really enjoyed our Pentecost topic and Year 5 produced some really beautiful artwork linked to the Holy Spirit. Year 5 also learnt about Judaism and we explored the meaning behind Passover. We even designed our own Seder Plate and considered the symbolism behind some of the foods eaten during Passover.
In Science, Year 5 learnt about Properties and Changes of Materials. We were able to complete a wide variety of experiments and we really enjoyed watching different materials react together – especially when they fizzed! We are now learning about different Scientists and Inventors including David Attenborough and Eva Crane.
It has been a wonderful summer term in Year 5! We enjoyed our science trip to Magna Park where we got to explore lots of exciting exhibits and we have been busy rehearsing for the Year 5 and 6 production!
Spring Term 2022
Year 5 had a wonderful start to the Spring Term! We started our new Geography topic ‘Sow, Grow and Farm’ and have been learning all about the different types of farming in the UK and how to successfully run an allotment. We have been growing Rocket, Courgette, Carrots, French Beans, Beetroot and Brussel Sprouts in the classroom!
In Literacy, we have studied a new book called ‘Varmints’! Year 5 have really enjoyed creating formal letters, biographies and non-chronological reports all about the main characters and themes! Year 5 have been using lots of the statutory Year 5/6 spelling words and producing some brilliant, interesting work!
In maths, we have been focussing on fractions! We have used lots of resources like counters, base 10 and fraction walls to help us work out some really tricky fraction problems!
In RE, Year 5 we have been learning all about how important having a mission is! We had some wonderful discussions, learnt all about a Bishop’s life and even thought about what our mission in life could be. Year 5 also studied Islam for 2 weeks. We even learnt how to break a fast during Ramadan by eating dates, pomegranate and drinking fruit juice!
In science, we were studying all about different animals and their habitats! We went into the woodland area to conduct science experiments and we have even started growing beans in plastic wallets! Lots of our beans have already sprouted and we cannot wait to watch them grow!
Keep up the excellent work, year 5!
Autumn 2 - 2021
Year 5 have really enjoyed this half term! We have learnt so much, enjoyed some fantastic trips and settled in to school really well.
In Literacy, Year 5 have been writing informal letters, character descriptions and various styles of poetry. Our class book ‘Cosmic’ has inspired most of our writing and Year 5 have produced some beautiful, thoughtful and detailed writing.
In maths, Year 5 have focussed on multiplication and division as well as area and perimeter. We had lots of fun measuring different shapes and finding out their area or perimeter using different methods. Year 5 have also been practising times tables every day and we have secured our 9 times tables and 7 times tables!
In Science, we had so much fun learning all about forces and we completed investigations into water resistance – which got a little bit messy! We collected the data and discussed what it showed us about water and air resistance. We finished our Topic with a picket line and discussed how mining has changed throughout the years.
Well done for all your hard work, Year 5!
Autumn 1 - 2021
Year 5 have had a fantastic start to the year so far! Everyone has settled in so well and we are having lots of fun learning about our new topics. It has been absolutely wonderful getting to know everyone. I can’t wait for a brilliant year!
In our first week, we have been introduced to our new topic – Down the Pit. We are learning all about our local history and we have even had some fantastic mining show and tell! In maths, we have been learning all about place value and we have had such a brilliant attitude to learning new things.
In literacy, we have been reading ‘Street Child’ which is all about a Victorian workhouse. We will be writing a fantastic diary entry from the perspective of the main character Jim Jarvis. Our class novel is ‘Coyote Summer’ – we already have some excellent predictions for the story!
In science, we are learning about space! We already know the planets that make up our solar system and we are even learning to dance like them in our PE lessons with Mrs Bywater. Our RE lessons have been fantastic and each pupil has displayed their faith in such a mature and thoughtful way.
We have had a fantastic start to the year and I can’t wait for more fun, learning and getting to know each other!