Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 class page. Our class teacher is Mrs Sorsby. Mrs Bywater covers the class on Wednesday afternoons and our teaching assistant is Mrs McInerney.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
Homework and Spellings will be sent home every Friday. Spellings will be tested on Friday's and homework should be returned on Wednesday.
Reading books linked to your child's phonetic ability will be issued every Friday and reading books for pleasure to be shared and enjoyed together will also be changed weekly.
Please record any reading completed at home in your child's reading journal, if you read 4 times at home and it is recorded then this ensures a reading raffle ticket for the reading raffle draw.
Spring Term 2024
Year 1 have had an extremely busy Spring term. They have learned all about our kings and queens of the past and even built their own castle with a drawbridge. Science has been very interesting as they have planted seeds and recorded their growth, learnt about different types of trees and leaves.
They have discovered where their school is located, where their city is and where that is on a map of the world. In DT they have designed puppets and used appropriate methods to join them together. They have shown excellent balancing skills learning to ride bikes, controlling them to start and stop safely.
Autumn Term 2023
Year 1 have been incredibly busy this half term. We have discovered new reading books and can't wait to read all 50 of them. In Literacy we have understood nouns and verbs. 2D shapes was our favourite activity to complete in Maths, especially as we made them as big as we could using lollipop sticks.
In geography we have studied our local park and taken a visit there to collect data about it. Computing has been exciting as we have learned how to paint like the great artists, Georges Seurat, Wassily Kandinsky, Mondrian and Matisse.
Ball skills and dance have been our PE challenges, using our hands and feet to move the ball around and watch out for the pirate dancing. In DT we have been analysing fruit and vegetables and how they grow - our smoothies were delicious.