Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 class page. Our class teacher is Mr Newsome. Mrs Bywater covers the class on Friday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistants are Miss Johnson and Mrs Kiryluk.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed as and when required. Books will then be set aside for 72 hours before returning to the shelves for others to choose.
Please make sure you read daily at home!
If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Thursdays and Fridays
Summer Term 2 - 2021
During the last half term, Year 4 have continued learning about the Vikings and wrote about The Battle of Hastings during Literacy.
In Maths, we have been looking at geometry and understanding the properties of different quadrilaterals.
We also had the opportunity to go outside and find any positive and negative changes to our local environment during Science.
Summer Term 1 - 2021
It has been another busy yet fun-filled half term in Year 4! Our new topic ‘Traders and Raiders’ has really captivated the children learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
We had the opportunity to produce some amazing D.T work when HEPP DT came in to help us create our very own catapults!
Our topic has fed into our Literacy where we have written a narrative that is based in a historical setting.
Spring Term - 2021
Year 4 have settled back into the classroom seamlessly since they have come back to school. They have loved learning all about famous mountains and rivers as well as taking part in some exciting science experiments! They are particularly hooked on our class novel, Varjak Paw!
Keep up the good work Year 4 and have a super Easter holiday!
Autumn Term 2 - 2020
Year 4 have continued to impress this half term. The enthusiasm to every part of the curriculum is second to none!
Our confidence has continued to increase in Maths and we have been really adventurous with our writing.
We have become historical experts about Ancient Rome and can talk about all different aspects of it!
What an amazing term!
Autumn Term 1 - 2020
Year 4 have had an amazing half term and have worked so hard! They have especially loved our topic Emperors and Empires and have fully engaged with the project!
Year 4 have made a fantastic start to the year! It has been excellent seeing the children back in the classroom and socialising with their friends once again on the playground (from a distance). All of them have settled so quickly and are getting settled back in to the school routine.
They have all shown high levels of enthusiasm and engagement with every task that they have had, especially in Science when the children were in awe of the circuit we made together! As well as this, they have all been so willing to engage in discussions. Well done Year 4!