Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 class page. Our class teacher is Miss Francis. Mrs Darnbrough covers the class on a Wednesday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Kay and Miss Rowland.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed as and when required. Books will then be set aside for 72 hours before returning to the shelves for others to choose.
Please make sure you read daily at home!
If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Summer Term 2 - 2021
Year 1 have had an excellent final half term. They have all done amazingly well on their final assessments of the year, and must be the only class in the world who complained and asked for more tests once they were done!
We have continued our lessons on Brazil this half term and tried some different foods that come from the Rainforest. Our favourite was definitely the chocolate, but pineapple was a close second.
We have begun to learn about time this half term, and we challenged ourselves to see how many times we can complete a task in 1 minute, including running, taking jumpers on and off, and building towers.
Summer Term 1 - 2021
Year 1 have had a busy half term! We have been worked with Hepp DT to create Poison Dart Frog toys out of wood. We used all sorts of tools including Junior hacksaws and drills.
This term our topic has been all about Brazil and the rainforest. We have learned all about animals and plants that come from the rainforest and we have also been exploring how we can help to look after the rainforest.
Year 1 have been learning how to ride bikes safely and how to control themselves on bikes with their balanceability training and had a wonderful time!
We also celebrated National Numeracy day this half term. We measured the whole class and then out ourselves in height order. Some of us were very surprised by our heights!
In RE we have been learning about Judaism and listened to the story of Abraham. We painted star filled skies to remind us of God’s promise.
This term we have also been writing letters. We have even sent a letter to the Queen about helping to look after the rainforest. We have our fingers crossed she will write back soon!
Spring Term - 2021
Year 1 have worked incredibly hard this half term. They have been working on instructions in literacy and have even followed some instructions to make their own jam sandwich. Can you tell if we enjoyed them? We have also been working on measurement in maths and took ourselves outside to measure the height of things in our playground. We even measured each other!
Our topic this term has been ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ and we have learned all about London and the Great Fire of London. The children learned how to follow and give directions using maps of London.
We also enjoyed British science week and completed a task for the 3 little pigs, building and experimenting with different materials to find the best house for them
Autumn Term 2 - 2020
Y1 have enjoyed their first term of the year. They have been very busy! In literacy we have been studying the rhyming book ‘Oi Frog’ and creating our own work on it.
We have had some special visitors for a DT lesson and created our own Ginger Bread houses with Hepp DT.
In science we have been learning about our bodies, including our senses. We smelled, touched, listened and saw lots of different things. We even tasted some lemon but I don’t think Y1 were big fans. We have also enjoyed the December weather with a very snowy playtime!