Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 class page. Our class teacher is Mr Newsome. Mrs Bywater covers the class on Wednesday mornings. Our teaching assistant is Miss Milburn.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spellings will be tested the following Friday and homework should be returned by Wednesday.
Children will be listened to read and also read to in school. They will be able to change their reading books on a regular basis.
Please make sure that you read daily at home. If you read four times a week and it is written in your personal organiser, you will get a raffle ticket to enter our reading raffle.
It would also be beneficial to practise your times tables on TTRS (Times Table Rockstars).
PE sessions will be on a Wednesday and Thursday.
Spring Term 2024
Year 3 have really grown this term and have demonstrated resilience and character! During our Geography topic, children have had the opportunity to become geographers. They loved carrying out field work about the conservation of bees in our school!
During Literacy lessons, children have been writing a variety of pieces. They especially enjoyed writing their alternative version of 'Cinderella'.
Children have shown a good understanding of statistics and measurement in Maths this term and are excited to begin learning all about fractions!
It has been great to see a variety of Year 3 children representing school at sporting events and participating with huge smiles on their faces. We even won the Collaboration Cup when competing in 'Circleball' as a class!
Autumn Term 2023
Year 3 have made a great start to the school year! The children have worked extremely hard in all areas of school. They have really enjoyed learning all about life in the Stone Age in History!
During Literacy lessons, children have been learning about the fundamentals of grammar to gain a greater understanding of how to write clear and well-punctuated pieces of work.
The children have loved using the recorders in Music and it has been amazing to see the progress they have made in such a short space of time!
Year 3 even had the opportunity to go orienteering! This was an afternoon that the children thoroughly enjoyed!