Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 class page. Our class teacher is Mr Newsome. Mrs Darnbrough covers the class on Tuesday afternoons. Our teaching assistant is Miss Johnson.
Homework and spelling will be sent home every Friday. The spellings will be tested the following Friday and homework should be returned by Wednesday.
Your child should have a reading for pleasure book and also a book that matches with their reading age. These will be changed in school when your child demonstrates a good understanding of the book.
Children have their Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars passwords stuck in their Personal Organisers and children are encouraged to access these to support them with their learning.
Please make sure you read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Tuesday and Thursday.
Summer Term
Year 3 have had a fantastic Summer term! We have immersed ourselves into Roman life for our topic. In this topic, we went on a trip to The Roman DEVA Discovery Centre in Chester where we trained to be a part of the Roman Army!
In Maths, we have been identifying different lines and angles and identifying some of these in the classroom!
We have really enjoyed our Literacy book too, ‘The Legend of Sally Jones.’ This has provided us with some brilliant writing opportunities!
We also showed the culmination of our hard work in Music throughout the year when we performed at the Barnsley Music Festival! The children were brilliant and a credit to our school!
What a fantastic year we have had!
Spring Term
Year 3 have continued their super work ethic during Spring term. Our topic this term has been Rocks, Relics and Rumbles and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about volcanic activity and earthquakes!
In Literacy, we have read 'Cinderella of the Nile' which puts a twist on the traditional tale and have written our own version of the classic fairytale!
We have started our unit on fractions in Maths, looking at tenths, halves, quarters, thirds and equivalent fractions!
In Spring, we really enjoyed Science Week when we performed a whole range of different experiments!
Year 3 also delivered a fantastic Ash Wednesday liturgy in school in which all the children read and acted phenomenally!
Autumn Term
We have had an excellent, productive Autumn term in Year 3. The children have worked extremely hard during music lessons and are quickly picking up the new songs that we have been learning!
In Literacy, we had ‘footprints’ appear in our classroom when the Tear Thief came to pay a visit... this led to us producing persuasive letters and newspaper reports.
We have been honing our multiplication and division skills in Maths, as we have been practising written methods!
Year 3 also deserve a special mention for a wonderful Christingle service, in which the children read beautifully and clearly!