What do governors do?
At Holy Rood we have a very active governing body that is made up of the headteacher, the assistant headteacher, a member of staff, the parish deacon, parent governors and foundation governors. As governors we attend termly full governing body meetings and further meetings specific to the committees that we are on for example; personnel, finance and school improvement. We also have an annual school development day where we all work together to look at data locally and nationally, the schools strengths and areas for improvement.
We have governors that work specifically on safeguarding and health and safety in school. Our role also involves acting as a critical friend to the headteacher and challenging the senior leadership team during meetings but also offering support and acknowledging areas of success within school. Mrs Dobson invites the governing body into school to attend training on Inset days and we are actively encouraged to attend additional training courses that are led by the local authority and complete relevant online training.
As a volunteering role it is challenging and requires governors to commit a lot of time, however we all do so in order to support our school and children in being the best it can be. We feel very proud to be part of the Holy Rood School community.