Curriculum Intent
Staff and governors at Holy Rood believe that school is an extension of their family, a place where they feel safe and loved. We encourage our children to Live, Love and Learn and do so through supporting, promoting and upholding the Catholic Ethos creating links with our parish and wider community.
We believe that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We want to support each child to become an independent, caring and confident individual who has a passion for learning and achieving in a calm, safe and enjoyable environment. We will do this by supporting, guiding and inspiring our children to become independent through quality first teaching in a rich learning environment. We aim for all children to enjoy their education and strive to make good progress in all areas of learning. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their full potential.
The school’s focus on curriculum development has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. We recognise that each child is unique and have therefore developed a broad and balanced curriculum which aims to meet the needs, interests and abilities of all children. There are no limits or barriers to the children’s achievement regardless of their background.
A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, develop a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning. As the school serves a community where there is a high percentage of EAL pupils and some disadvantaged pupils, we provide visits/opportunities that children may not otherwise experience. Homework is designed to extend the child’s learning in the home environment. By working closely with our families, we will create an aspirational school community in which everyone feels valued and successes are celebrated by our families being actively involved in their child’s learning.
We have a designated Parent Support Advisor and Pupil Wellbeing Officer who works in collaboration with children and their families, supporting their wellbeing and also academic progress in order to achieve a positive school experience for all.
A wide range of extra-curricular activities are provided after school. As well as sports, activities involving music, choir, design and technology, problem solving, cooking and art are provided by members of the school staff and external agencies with a particular area of expertise.
We encourage the children to take part in activity days such as World Book Day, plus other special themed days where the children can dress up and showcase their creativity by creating projects, models and memorable experiences.
Find out what your child is learning about at school by clicking the links below.