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Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 class page. Our class teacher is Miss Adams. Mrs Darnbrough covers the class on a Monday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistant's are Mrs Rowland and Mrs McInerney.


Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.


Reading books will be changed as and when required. Please make sure you read daily at home!  If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.


PE sessions will be on Monday and Thursday.

Summer Term 2022


Year Two have had an amazing Summer Term. In writing, Year Two have loved reading our key texts, in particular The Big Book of The Blue and Traction Man! I am so proud of the wonderful writing Year Two have completed, they have used some fantastic vocabulary and also know lots of new facts!


In maths, children have revised their knowledge of time and money. We have also learned about Mass, Capacity and Volume. Year Two enjoyed looking at different containers to see how much liquid they could hold.


We have loved our Science learning about living things and their habitats. The children had an amazing time at Tropical World where they looked at lots of different reptiles and creature comforts.


The children have also enjoyed our Geography topic – Coastline and have learned lots about the coastal town, Whitby. We compared it with our own town and found lots of features that are similar and different.


We have been getting very sporty with our trip to the EIS in Sheffield, well done to all the children for taking part and having fun! We were also thrilled to enjoy the return of Sports Day. Year Two should be so proud of their hard work this year. Well done!

Spring Term 2022


Year 2 have worked incredibly hard this half term. In Maths, we explored statistics and data using concrete resources to help us represent information. We also learned about 2D and 3D shapes. In Literacy, we used our key text – Lila and the secret of rain – to help us write stories from other cultures.


In Science, the children enjoyed our animals including humans’ topic. At the end of the topic we did a fun experiment about how to keep our hands clean and reduce the spread of germs.


In computing, children learned how to be safe online and took part in E-Safety Day where we completed lots of fun tasks about being kind online and what to do if we see something unkind.


Children enjoyed our Art topic – portraits and poses. We looked at the different skills used to produce sketches and completed a final portrait of Queen Elizabeth – our current reigning monarch! As well as this children continue to enjoy our Magnificent Monarchs topic, children are learning about significant people in History.

Autumn 2 - 2021

Year 2 have had an amazing Autumn term. In Literacy, we have enjoyed writing non-chronological reports about animals. We also wrote stories from traditional tales.  I was so proud of the children for using fantastic vocabulary and being hugely engaged in their writing.


In Maths we have been learning about money. We focused on learning the value of coins and notes, adding money and giving change.


Year 2 have enjoyed our Science topic about everyday materials this term. We discussed how to recycle different household items and chose what materials would be best suited to an object.


In DT this half term, Year 2 have learned all about where food comes from, how to read and follow a recipe, naming tools and using them properly and finally making something by following a recipe. Well done Year 2!

Autumn 1 - 2021

A huge welcome back to Year 2. The children have settled in incredibly well and have been enjoying getting to know our new classroom. Year 2 have made a fantastic start academically and are so excited about all of their learning. In the first week, we have started to learn about place value in Maths and are writing setting descriptions in Literacy. I am so impressed with the positive attitude that children are displaying and look forward to a fun filled, hardworking year!
