Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 class page. Our class teacher is Mr McInerney and Mrs Woolley will teach the class on Friday's. Mrs Bywater covers the class on a Monday afternoon. Our Teaching Assistant's are Mrs Cornish and Miss Goddard.
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Homework needs to be returned the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed as and when required. Please make sure you read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your personal organiser, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Monday and Thursday.
Summer Term 2022
Year Four have really enjoyed the Summer term and have loved our new topic, ‘Ancient Civilisations’. We’ve learnt so much about the early Sumer civilisation and the ancient Egyptians - we even had a go at mummifying a tomato as part of our school trip!
We’ve continued our brilliant work in the classroom and learnt so many new things such as telling the time on analogue clocks! We’ve also enjoyed reading our new class text, The Great Kapok Tree and have written some lovely persuasive pieces encouraging others to protect our world.
Sports Day was a blast this year and we were able to show off our amazing skills that we’ve practised in PE lessons. We are so proud of the winners and the races this year were incredibly close and competitive.
We had a special visit from the chicks in Foundation this half term and we were able to study them as part of our Science topic. It was great to have them with us and we loved holding them and learning about how they develop.
We’re now looking forward to the last few weeks and getting ourselves ready for Year Five!
Spring Term 2022
Year Four have worked hard during the first half of the Spring term and have really enjoyed learning about their new topic, Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers. They’ve learnt all about how rivers are formed and studied some of the most famous mountains and rivers in the world!
In Maths, Year Four have worked hard to practise their multiplication facts and have developed a brilliant understanding of fractions and decimals.
In Literacy, they’ve started to read the book, Varjack Paw and were hooked from page one! Our writing this half term has been around this story and we can’t wait to finish the book and start the sequel!
Autumn 2 - 2021
Year Four have enjoyed another successful half term. They’ve worked so hard to learn their times tables and their recall speeds have dramatically improved! They’ve started to look at short multiplication in maths and have solved some very challenging problems.
In Literacy, they followed the journey of Edward Tulane and have written some brilliant narratives and biographies.
Hepp DT also visited this half term and Class Four were able to use drills, try squares and junior hack saws! The catapults they designed were excellent!
To finish the half term off, they enjoyed a lovely trip to the Lamproom Theatre and loved every second.
Autumn 1 - 2021
Our new Year 4 pupils have made a fantastic start to this academic year! It has been so lovely to see so many smiling faces enter the classroom and I know that we will continue to have a great year, filled with lots of fun and lots of learning.
In this first week, we have started to learn about place value in Maths and started to read a new book in Literacy called 'Leon and the Place Between'. We've started this year with such a determined attitude to learning and this really shone through whilst looking at our new topic, 'Invasion'. We can't wait to learn all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings!