Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 class page. Our class teacher is Mrs Sorsby. Mrs Darnbrough covers the class on Monday afternoons. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Kay.
Homework and spelling will be sent home every Friday. The spellings will be tested the following Friday and homework should be returned by Wednesday.
Reading books linked to your child’s phonetic ability will be changed every Monday. Reading books for pleasure to share and enjoy together will be changed every Friday.
Please make sure you read daily at home! If you read four times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.
PE sessions will be on Monday and Friday.
Summer Term
Year 1 have had an amazing summer term.
We have celebrated the King’s coronation by making T-shirts, decorating biscuits, and created a whole class piece of art.
We had a brilliant time on sports day running many races and trying a new skill - archery.
Our trip to a Victorian school had all of us in costume and we all became a child in Victorian times. Attending school, playing Victorian games, and working in a Victorian house.
In science we have learned all about animals, whether they were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We have described the similarities and differences with animals.
Spring Term
Year 1 have had an amazing Spring term, we have explored plants and materials in science. Planting sunflower seeds to take home - how much have they grown? To discovering what material would make the perfect umbrella. We have loved the experience of our books in literacy because we never know who or what was going to arrive in the classroom. Bears, buses and aliens have all discovered how kind and caring we are. All children completed Bikeability learning essential skills - brilliant work. We were lucky to have a visit from Hepp DT and made London buses linked to our topic Bright Lights Big City. Along with this we drew the magnificent London buildings, were tourist guides and discovered the history of the Great Fire of London.
Autumn Term
We have had an excellent start to learning in Year 1.
The children have experienced many shocks when aliens, creatures and beasts have been in our classroom disturbing everything! They have been very creative trying to help everyone who needed it especially the Cave Baby and The Naughty Bus.
All the children have had an amazing time completing the Rudolf run and enjoying the Christmas party. They were in fits of laughter when they had a visit to the pantomime.
I think we have a group of thespians in the making if the Nativity play was anything to go by- well done year 1.
We can’t wait to see what Spring Term brings.