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Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Our class teacher is Miss Pearce. Mrs Bywater covers the class on Tuesday mornings. Our teaching assistant is Miss Johnson.


Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. The spellings will be tested the following Friday and homework should be returned by Wednesday.


Big Cat reading books based on your child’s reading ability will be sent home and your child will be assessed for their reading age frequently. Your child will have the opportunity to visit the school and class library to choose a reading for pleasure book, which they are encouraged to read at home.


Please make sure you read daily at home!  If you read four times a week and it is written in your personal organiser, you will get a raffle ticket to join our reading raffle.


PE sessions will be on Monday and Thursday.

Spring Term 2024

Year 5 had a wonderful Spring Term! We started our new Geography topic ‘Biomes’ and have learnt all about our local woodland ecosystem! We journeyed into our nearby woodland area and identified the different insects, trees, plants, flowers and animal habitats we have, using some exciting fieldwork techniques.


In Literacy, we studied some fantastic books including The Lost Thing and Freedom Bird. Year 5 produced some exciting writing and have begun to develop a really wonderful voice, ensuring we consider who the reader is and why we are writing. Year 5 also used the short film ‘The Present’ as a stimulus for some brilliant, engaging character descriptions and narratives. I can’t wait to see what they write next.


In maths, we have completed work on statistics, decimals and percentages and we are currently working with angles. We have used the protractors to measure angles as well as drawing angles accurately.


In RE, we studied about the other denominations of the Christian faith and we looked in depth at how to use Jesus’ sacrifice as inspiration in our lives. Recently, we have learnt about lent and looked in depth at the Easter story and Jesus’ betrayal.


In Science, we studied Properties and Changes of Materials. We were lucky enough to visit Horizon to conduct a series of experiments about irreversible changes. We used fire to explore the burning process, nails to explore rusting in different solutions and vinegar to explore how a solution is made. We also visited Horizon to enjoy a series of experiments to celebrate Science Week.


Amongst all of that fantastic learning, we enjoyed Safer Internet Day, World Book Day, lots of science experiments, author events, vocal workshops and much more!


Keep working incredibly hard Year 5! I am so proud of your efforts.



Autumn Term 2023

Year 5 had a fantastic start to the year! We started our new History topic ‘Ancient Greece’ and have learnt all about the hierarchy of Ancient Greece, the roles of men and women and even about the start of the Olympic Games!


In Literacy, we studied some fantastic books including Hidden Figures and The Man Who Walked Between the Towers. Year 5 created some wonderful writing and have worked really hard to consider who their audience is and what the purpose of their text is. Year 5 also looked in depth at sentence structure and how a sentence becomes more complex with added features – this has led to some excellent, thoughtful writing from Year 5!   


In maths, we have completed work on multiplication & division, addition & subtraction and we are currently working with fractions. We have used a variety of manipulatives to support us and we have all made great progress!


In RE, we studied about the Domestic Church and we looked in depth at a wedding ceremony. Recently, we have learnt about advent and created some beautiful advent wreaths.


In science, we studied Earth and Space and created some beautiful information posters on our chosen planet. We also learnt all about air resistance and water resistance and we completed some amazing (but messy!) experiments.


Amongst all of that fantastic learning, we enjoyed our Languages Day, World Mental Health Day celebrations and created some wonderful artwork for Remembrance Day.


Keep up the excellent work, year 5! I am so proud of your progress!


